Learning Innovation and Ethics In The Artificial Intelligence Age

  • Lim Hui Ling Independent scholar, Singapore


For 3rd National and International Buddhist Conference at MCU Chiang Mai Campus

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

What is AI? AI, in simple terms, is basically mathematics translated into source code. In other words, it is a set of algorithms[1] building on various ideas and concepts, and trying to learn from human intelligence to make decision. It is building capable smart machines to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. Since it does not require expensive computer hardware and IT infrastructure, it has become the most popular digital technology enabling digital transformation.


[1] AI refers to pieces of software with the ability to lean and reason like humans, and able to translate real-life problems into mathematical models called algorithms.


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How to Cite
Ling, L. H. (2022). Learning Innovation and Ethics In The Artificial Intelligence Age. Buddhism and Social Responsibility in the New Normal (BUSRIN) (Lanna Journal of Buddhist Studies and Cultures), 3(1). Retrieved from https://www.firstojs.com/index.php/LJBSC/article/view/1022